Internal Funding for Laboratory Experiment

Are Some People More Equal than Others? Experimental Evidence on Group Identity and Income Inequality

Internal Funding for Laboratory Experiment

Are Some People More Equal than Others? Experimental Evidence on Group Identity and Income Inequality

The University of Bamberg funds a joint project with Tomasz Makarewicz, Christian Proaño and Juan Carlos Peña, titled ‘Are Some People More Equal than Others? Experimental Evidence on Group Identity and Income Inequality.’

The committee for research and young talent (FNK) of the University of Bamberg selected the proposal sent by Tomasz Makarewicz and myself and decided to fund our experiment. In this project we will test whether political polarization and an unwillingness for redistribution are mainly driven by economic incentives, or mainly by social identity and group formation. We are eager to proceed with coding and running the experiment and look forward to the results.

Joep Lustenhouwer
Assistant Professor